Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prepare to be annoyed...

Hey everyone!

I think Wednesdays will just be a random thing. Sometimes I'll double up on manicures or hair styles, other times I will share a perspective. Today is a perspective sort of day.

I had the day off work (yay!) so I tried to think of something interesting to talk about. I didn't feel like trying to give y'all an extra semi-tutorial or just recommend a product.

I did come up with my mental list of pet peeves. My job has me working with a lot of interesting people--some that are wonderfully funny, like the Surprise Mocha guy, and others are incredibly odd, like the lady who brought in her bird. My job, and just going outside and talking to people, has brought some of my pet peeves to light.

So without further ado, here are my top fifteen pet peeves:

15.) When men wear skinny jeans or Ugg boots. Man card status: REVOKED
14.) When there is a policy at work that somebody doesn't like and he or she takes it out on me. Excuse me, but I pour coffee for strangers and pick up after them at the Laundromat. Do you actually think that I made the policy that you're bitching about?
13.) When people don't pick up after themselves or their children. I can't tell you how many times I have come behind people to clean up after them. I am not saying you should eliminate the entire purpose of my laundry attendant portion of my job, but at least throw your trash away!
12.) People who are in front of me in the grocery store check out line and have an iPhone and a bunch of junk food in their cart, yet are paying with food stamps. Or, if you live in a state that gave them a food stamp debit card and they get cash back. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are taking cash off of your food stamp card then doesn't that enable you to do something like pay your iPhone bill? Thus defeating the purpose of food stamps?
11.) When people confuse to/too/two, their/there/they're, you're/your, its/it's, can versus may, etc.
10.) When someone puts empty cartons of milk or animal cracker boxes back in the fridge/cupboard.
9.) When people who don't know you very well ask if they may have something of yours. 
Example: I was about to walk into this meeting once and as I was waiting I pulled out a pack of Mentos. This girl came by and was like, "Can I have one of those?" and I am sitting there like, seriously? Am I allowed to say 'no?'
8.) When people you don't know very well ask you very personal questions, such as: What's your relationship with your mom like? Tell me about your sexual history? What is your religion? What are your thoughts on this controversial political topic? 
7.) People who intentionally misspell their kids' names to make them more unique or just give them really stupid names like Blue Ivy or North West or Hashtag. Do you hate your children? Also, your kid will never be able to have a Mickey Mouse ear hat from Disney Land with their name on it. Especially if your kid's name is Alex spelled like Alyxx. That doesn't make you unique. It just frustrates your child to no end when they have to spell out their seemingly normal name for people every single time.
6.) When people don't say "thank you" when you hold the door open for them.
5.) People who sit RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are lots of other seats available. Big example of this: I was studying with my friend Laurie in the library once and this guy that neither of us knew came down and sat at our table even though there were four empty tables. It was awkward. He literally said nothing.
4.) Moody people. You know the ones. The ones that you hold your breath during the first few minutes that you see them because you aren't sure if they're going to be pleasant or in this "dark place." It is exhausting.
3.) Unnecessary screaming. Unless you are being crazy murdered. Shut. The. F***. Up.
2.) When people have to relate too much to you. As if they are trying to one up your experience. Don't keep projecting your vaguely related experiences--or perhaps very pertinent experiences--as a form of trying to trump my conflict. Sometimes it just isn't about you.

And my number one pet peeve (this one makes my skin crawl):
1.) Baby talk! It freaks me out. Don't talk to your baby that way. Don't talk to your dog that way. Do NOT talk to me that way. It is über creepy.

So yeah. Those are the top fifteen things that bother me. If you want, hit the comments with a couple of your pet peeves!

~Shelley Bee

P.S. Random Fact!  Bulls are color blind. Therefore, the color red does not make them angry.

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