Monday, June 24, 2013

So I pour coffee for strangers...

So, I work at a coffee shop in my hometown during the summers. It is actually the strangest job I have ever had. I'm here for ten hours today so during my down time I will think about what I want to put on my first make-up Monday post. After I spend ten hours pouring coffee for strangers--and make my escape from the conspiracy theorist with the crazy sideburns that is always trying to explain his crazy theories to me--my mom and I are doing the first step of this Couch Potato to 5K program. I hope that day one is something easy like "think about putting on your running shoes, maybe even get them out of the box. Don't worry, we aren't putting them on yet. Maybe tomorrow." It seems unlikely, but who knows.

 After all that, I will post a make-up thing. I though it would be fun to do a tutorial, but as someone new to the blogging world I think I should start a bit smaller. Maybe I'll bore you to years about a product that I'm into. 

~Shelley Bee

P.S. the can opener was invented 50 years after the can. 

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